Once your finished changing the settings, click OK and OK, I’m finished changing settings. Open up steam, to go settings, and find the ‘Voice’ tab. Other numbers from cell phones have a number from a sim card, and these sim cards are what you need as a valid prime matchmaking phone number. These are numbers that are given to you online, something like google voice which generates a random number. – Enabled mouse bindings for voice chat to work in end of match scoreboard. When this setting is enabled, in-game voice audio will be played from the position the player is standing at. – Added a „VOIP Positional“ audio setting. Open the console using ` and then you can use say text for All Chat or say_team text for Team Chat. In a competitive match only at the end of the game will the opposing team be able to hear you. Pushing down the k key will allow you to communicate with a microphone. Keep switching back into the game and test your new volume setting until you find the perfect one. Changing the microphone volume will change your windows volume settings! Lower or higher the volume depending on what you need.

On the bottom you’ll find a “settings” button, click it and then go to “voice”.

You can do so from the main menu or in game by pressing the ESC key, click Options, then Audio Settings and then toggle Enable Voice to either “Press to Use Mic” or “Disabled”. The second is muting all players using the options menu. You can unmute the player by following the same steps you took to mute the player.

You should’ve already noticed that there’s no way specifically how to mute someone in CSGO console, you can just disable the whole voice chat this way.